


像许多城市一样, 威尼斯,佛罗里达 desired to continue delivering water of the highest quality to rate payers. 为了实现这个目标, the city would need to replace aging reverse osmosis equipment and a dated SCADA system. The city preferred a long-term solution-one that addressed current needs while providing the ability to adapt to growing future demand. 纽约市意识到澳门足彩app将是推进该项目的最佳合作伙伴.


通过使用渐进式设计-建造(PDB), city officials benefited from a high degree of transparency into the project process. 除了, PDB allowed for the full consideration of all design and 工程 options prior to establishing a guaranteed maximum price. 拥有高质量的替代品, the city of 威尼斯 could implement a preferred solution that addressed critical initiatives and produced favored outcomes. 作为项目合作伙伴, 澳门足彩app承诺不仅要完成这个项目, 而是帮助客户确定他们为纳税人服务的能力.


威尼斯 decided from the onset to select a project partner based solely on qualifications. 官员们了解完成该项目所需的技术挑战. 技术方面的熟练程度, as well as related issues such as procurement and logistics would also be required of the design-builder. 澳门足彩app的水/废水处理经验, collection of highly-skilled professionals and portfolio of completed projects made us the most qualified, 以及完整的选择.

  • 现有反渗透装置的处理能力为4.3 MGD
  • The proposed project will replace the membranes at the City’s WTP and upgrade the SCADA system for the overall facility
  • The new reverse osmosis system will lower operating costs while ensuring the delivery of high-quality water to the rate payers of 威尼斯 well into the future


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